Board of Directors

Please take a moment to review our HOA Documents page for important information about the Highlands Home owners association.

Board of Directors

The HOA Board of Directors meets once each quarter (Feb, May, Aug, Oct) on the third Thursday of the month. The August meeting is our Annual Meeting. For an up to date list of our upcoming meetings please go to our Annual Calendar.


Ron Schramemail

Vice President

Rich Masseyemail


Maureen O'Hearnemail


Josh Toddemail

Director at Large

Ryan Woodwardemail

Design Committee

The Design Committee meets, when necessary, to review design submittals. If you would like more information about the design process we have made it available on our Design Guidelines Page.


Rich Michel

Member One

Mike Dilallo

Member Two

Jim Alquist

Get In Touch

The Board welcomes your ideas and suggestions. If you have questions or concerns please reach out to us on our contact page.