Complaints / Violations

If you wish to make a complaint concerning a violation of our CC&R’s, please contact Crystal Rost at HOAMCO Association Management Services. If the purpose is of a more urgent matter, please contact HOAMCO Association Management Services at 805-944-5586 ext. 3403.

Your complaint will be referred to a board member and you will receive a response. Please include your home address, telephone number and best time to be reached.

Common Violations

We often receive a number of common complaints and would like your help in addressing them. Please review the following list of common complaints, and if they apply to you, please make appropriate changes.

  1. Please make sure to remove your trash cans the same day after pick up and store them out of view from the streets.
  2. Please make sure to put your garage door down when you are not planning to be going in or out of the garage within a short time frame. Also remember to close the garage door when you leave home.
  3. Please put all dogs on a leash; do not let them roam unattended. Also, we frequently receive complaints about dogs “doing their business” in other homeowner’s yards. Please respect your neighbors and pick up after your animal.  Lastly, be considerate if your fury friend has a habit of barking for long periods of time. SLO County Animal 805-781-4400 and Arroyo Grande Police Department 805-473-5110.
  4. Please do not park in “No Parking” sections of the street. This is typically defined as the side of the street that does not have a sidewalk. 
  5. Please remove Christmas and/or holiday lights promptly after the holidays.

Although some people may see these items as petty and/or trivial matters, they do affect your neighbors and the Highlands community in general.

Have You Received a Complaint?

You will be notified in writing regarding a complaint that confirms a CC&R violations has occurred or is ongoing. All complaints adhere strictly to a due process system and are confidential. Complaints can be homeowner generated or by the Board of Directors enforcing CC&R’s, rules and regulation. Should you have any questions, contact Susanne Thomas at Armstrong Community Management. 

A complaint or CC&R violation is investigated by the Board and reviewed in Executive Session to determine a course of action. Photographs and other sources are a component of the investigation.  The Board works hard to get all information and takes efforts to mediate any conflicts or misunderstandings prior to rendering a decision and are guided by our governing documents, rules and regulations. 

Take a moment and review our dispute resolution policy on our Documents Page.

How to Report a Violation

Please contact Crystal Rost at HOAMCO Association Management Services. If the purpose is of a more urgent matter, please contact HOAMCO Association Management Services at 805-944-5586 ext. 3403.

If you feel unsure, please contact us on our contact page.

Thank you very much for your attention and cooperation.